ChatGPT: AI-Generated Malware Code Just a Chat Away

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) system that can generate text from prompts. It was created by OpenAI, the same company behind GPT-3, and it has been used to create everything from poetry to fake news articles. But now someone has figured out how to use ChatGPT for something far more nefarious: creating malware code on the fly.

The person who discovered this capability is security researcher Adam Chesterfield, who found that he could feed ChatGPT snippets of malicious code and have it generate new variants of malware in real time. This means hackers could quickly create customised versions of their malicious software without having any coding knowledge or experience whatsoever – all they need is access to an AI bot like ChatGTP and some basic instructions about what type of attack they want it to carry out.

Chesterfield believes this discovery should serve as a wake-up call for anyone involved in cybersecurity: “This technology shows us just how easy it can be for attackers with limited technical skills or resources [to] rapidly develop sophisticated attacks” he said in an interview with Wired magazine recently. He also noted that while there are ways we can defend against these types of attacks – such as using machine learning algorithms designed specifically detect them – we must remain vigilant if we want our systems safe from harm going forward into 2021 and beyond..

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